Filling the Gaps Challenge
title author
1 villette bronte
2 shirley bronte
3 eustace diamonds trollope
4 phineas redux trollope
5 prime minister trollope
6 duke's children trollope
7 tale of genji vols 1 and 2 murasaki
8 pamela richardson
9 clarissa richardson
10 tristram shandy sterne
11 tom jones fielding
12 joseph andrews/shamela fielding
13 humphrey clinker smollett
14 evelina burney
15 frankenstein shelley
16 moby dick melville
17 felix holt, radical eliot
18 romola eliot
19 anna karenina tolstoy
20 old wives tale bennett
21 henry esmond thackeray
22 pendennis thackeray
23 the virginians thackeray
24 the newcomes thackeray
25 barry lyndon thackeray
26 Our mutual friend dickens
27 david copperfield dickens
28 oliver twist dickens
29 barchester towers trollope
30 the warden trollope
31 last chronicle of barset trollope
32 framley parsonage trollope
33 dr. thorne trollope
34 robinson crusoe defoe
35 moll flanders defoe
36 pepys diary vol 1 pepys
37 the antiquary scott
38 the heart of midlothian scott
39 ivanhoe scott
40 lorna doone blackmore
41 mayor of casterbridge hardy
42 far from the madding crowd hardy
43 return of the native hardy
44 jude the obscure hardy
45 waverly scott
46 mansfield park austen
47 the ambassadors james
48 wings of the dove james
49 portrait of a lady james
50 women in love lawrence
51 armadale collins
52 no-name collins
53 east lynne wood
54 the wide wide world warner
55 leaves of grass whitman
56 walden thoreau
57 three musketeers dumas
58 twenty years after dumas
59 count of monte cristo dumas
60 man in the iron mask dumas
61 charterhouse of parma stendhal
62 the red and the black stendhal
63 passage to india forster
64 the virginian wister
65 lost time vol 1 swanns way proust tr. Lydia davis
66 rise of silas lapham howells
67 a hazard of new fortunes howells
68 indian summer howells
69 a modern instance howells
70 chance conrad
71 victory conrad
72 under western eyes conrad
73 nostromo conrad
74 lord jim conrad
74 a secret agent conrad
75 maggie crane
76 red badge of courage crane
77 typee melville
78 billy budd melville
79 night and day woolf
80 a month in the country carr
81 tender is the night fitzgerald
82 grapes of wrath steinbeck
83 for whom the bell tolls hemingway
84 princess cassamassima james
86 kidnapped stevenson
87 treasure island stevenson
88 captains courageous kipling
89 mme. Bovary flaubert tr. Mauldon
90 north and south gaskell
91 mary barton gaskell
92 story of an african farm schreiner
93 the way we live now trollope
94 new grub street gissing
95 buddenbrooks mann
96 great expectations dickens
97 the magnificent ambersons tarkington
98 USA Trilogy Dos Passos
99 The odd women gissing
100 The mill on the floss eliot
101 mystery of edwin drood dickens
102 main street lewis
103 of human bondage maugham
104 An american tragedy dreiser
105 anne of green gables montgomery
106 sunshine sketches of a little town leacock
107 sister carrie dreiser
108 war of the worlds wells
These are books that if read, in the time frame allowed by the challenge, will certainly fill in the gaps. Books already read are not included. By their absence you will know them.